Friday 4 September 2015

End of Attachment Week 3 & FPA 1 ✅

Week 3 Day 1, 31st August 2015, Monday:
As my FPA 1 was conducted the next day, I spent more time on assessing the centre one last time and taking down notes. After I was done with the assessment, I went back to join the K1 class. Teachers Christabel split the class into two and made me lead and teach one group of them origami folding which I was really bad at. As in I could do like simple ones with the help of video tutorials from YouTube, but I couldn't like fold origami with the help of step by step visuals and instructions. So I told the K1s that I'm also learning as well and I got Teacher Christabel to teach me once before I used what I could remember from Teacher Christabel to teach the children HAHA.

And this was what we had for lunch! It doesn't really look appetizing cause it's a porridge and the black thing is preserved olive vegetable which goes really well with the porridge!

Week 3 Day 2, 1st September 2015, Tuesday:
Day of my FPA 1! Reached the centre earlier as usual to further memorize the rationale and look through my notes once more. I was still nervous, but not as nervous as compared to field supervision for lesson implementation / learning corners. I went first because I wanted to clear it once and for all HAHA and I took approximately an hour. But we were very lucky that our field supervisor (Ms. Sylvia) was really nice and understanding.

And this was our lunch after FPA1 !! Rice with some sort of soup with popcorn chicken! (:

And we basically relaxed during the rest of our lunch because at least 1 burden is down HAHA.

Week 3 Day 3, 2nd September 2015, Wednesday
As usual I was with the K1s and Teacher Christabel was recapping with them the book titled 'Sharing A Shell' and at the same time reinforcing on the action words used in the book to describe how the sea creatures moved. Then we went to the studio where Teacher Christabel conducted the next part of her lesson whereby children had to do a relay in their groups through the use of actions (e.g. run like a crab) words discussed in class. It was really interesting to watch the relay! ^^

After that, the Principal came into the studio and asked me to follow the PG/N1/N2 for their outing cause they had extra tickets so ok lor, since I'm fine with anything so I just went. To be honest, it was so impromptu! Elena and I didn't even know where they where going but I just knew that they were going to watch The Magic Jungle or something. So both of us only knew the destination when the bus arrived at Esplanade. It turns out that the children were watching The Magic Jungle ~

Here are some photos taken!

And after we arrived back at the centre, it was so hectic as it was the children's nap time so they had to like quickly eat, shower, dry their hair and nap. So I helped out with the changing part during the shower time.

After that, I could finally have my lunch!! Winter melon soup with carrots, chicken and yellow beans! And the cakes were kept for us from one of the K2 girl's birthday celebration. :)

Time is really passing too fast and we're already done with the 3rd week of our attachment. And my 2nd FPA is scheduled to be next Monday which means I only have the weekends to finalize all the necessary documents and prepare myself before I step into the centre to conduct the routine care and 'mentor' Elena.

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