Friday 11 September 2015

End of Attachment Week 4 & FPA 2 ✅

Week 4 Day 1, 7th September 2015, Monday:
Yesss! Finally done with FPA2 which is on mentoring our classmate! Generally it went quite okay thanks to a really nice and lenient field supervisor, Miss. Sylvia! ^^ She feedback that I talked more than the mentee which should not be  the case during post conference. But whatever, I still cleared FPA2!! :)

Week 4 Day 2, 8th September 2015, Tuesday:
Helped Wang Yan 老师 with one of her learning corner activity which requires the wrapping of used boxes to be used as a support to make the different mode of transport 'stand'. I'm pretty good at wrapping actually, 包到很美! *proud*

And this was our lunch! First time eating bread with soup for a meal, really nice! :)

After lunch, we at in for the centre's staff meeting on reviewing the centre's curriculum and the Principal also informed the other teachers regarding the parent workshop we are conducting for our FPA4.

Week 4 Day 3, 9th September 2015, Wednesday:
During Teacher Christabel's lesson, she used instruments (bells, drums) to teach children the number of syllables in a word which was really effective in allowing children to learn! For Wang Yan 老师's class, she introduced Mid-Autumn Festival to the K1s and told them the legend (story) behind the festival as they would be role-playing out their our parent workshop for FPA4. As a teenager myself, I don't know the exact legend behind the festival. Therefore, I learnt the story with the K1s HAHA.

And as usual, a photo of my lunch cause the food provided is always nice!

Can't emphasis enough how time really flies and we are halfway through this torturous 8 weeks attachment! And we're also done with 2 out of 4 FPA! What's left are FPAs that are done in groups. Hopefully I'll be able to communicate and work well with my classmate and the staff meeting will go smoothly next week!

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