Sunday 26 April 2015

Year 3 has officially started one week ago, sigh ~ Still getting used to the timetable and the leadership modules (which I find it rather hard to understand). It's just the first week of school and we're informed that we have a few assignments due in week 4. ):

17th April 2015, Friday:
Supposed to meet Sunken Ships at 12pm at Jurong East for lunch but Syaf and Rachel came 45 minutes late... HAHA. So after our lunch at Eighteen Chefs, we walked over to Science Centre for our trip! I kinda initiated the trip because it's free so why not!! :)

 The Einstein dummy!!

We watched a Fire Tornado Show!

It was really cool to be so up-close with a fire tornado. Minutes after the show, all of us started sweating due to the heat HAHA.

In one of the exhibition galleries, there was a small room where we were supposed to watch random footage which is supposed to increase or decrease our stress level. I was seated at Station 2 and I had no idea why my stress level is so high the entire time LOL.

We also went into the Typhoon Simulator machine which was so cool! I didn't realise we were so noisy until I watched the video that Rachel took, HAHA.


It was around late afternoon when we finished visiting all the exhibition galleries and since there were no one near the 'Head on a platter' exhibit, I finally had the courage to take a photo! I've always wanted to take such photos but most of the time I would feel shy / awkward because there's so many people crowding around, HAHA.

Thank you guys for a great time before Year 3 started!

Thursday 16 April 2015

9th April 2015, Thursday:
After days of watching drama (女人30情定水舞間) at home, I finally went out to have dinner with Laurel, Huiting, Sujun, Juliana and Amanda at ION Orchard's Swensen's. 

My Chicken Baked Rice ♥ I think it's quite nice omg. Probably because I haven't had such nice food in a long time.

After dinner, we went to get mille crepes (strawberry, oreo-flavoured, original, matcha) from First Love Patisserie. First time trying and it not as good as expected, probably cause it's still frozen so it wasn't soft and it felt as though I was eating different flavours of kueh lapis, LOL.

Ended the night window-shopping at H&M. (:

14th April 2015, Tuesday:
Had a 'not-so-surprise' birthday (advance) surprise for Jingyu at her house!

Met up with Zicheng, Rachel and the rest at AMK Hub to get the cake and balloons before heading over to her house.

We slacked at her house for quite some time because we had no plans of where to go next plus the weather was too humid.

Then, we headed to myVillage to try Yogiyo Chicken!!

We got the sweet soy and crispy flavoured! The sweet soy (on the left) was so good!!

They had this plastic finger gloves thing for clean eating!

Took photos as some of them had to leave early.

After that, the rest of us (Rachel, Zicheng, Jingyu) went to NEX. We took our time to window-shop while waiting for Shihao. We went into Pet Lovers Centre and the dogs were so cute!!
Joy, I miss you ~

After he came, we settled down for dinner at Hot Tomato Cafe & Grill.

This is my Carbonara which tasted so good when I took the first mouth but eventually I got quite sick of it cause it was too creamy.

Whenever I have dinner with the mentors, they always like to have dessert after the meal, HAHA. So.. we had dessert at DessertStory.

Shared this hot Milk Pudding with Rachel. Similarly, it tasted nice during the first few mouths but 吃多了就变腻.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

2nd March 2015, Monday - 25th March 2015, Wednesday:
During this period of time, I worked part-time at my attachment centre. I worked on alternate days during the weekdays. It was my first part-time job which allowed me to earn the first dollar in my life. Even though I didn't earn a lot, it was a good experience for me to be more confident in speaking in front of the children. Through this work experience, it has taught me that there are so many kinds of people (even though I've seen different kinds of people in poly). Most importantly, it has reinforced my concept that money doesn't come easy.

10th March 2015, Tuesday:
Watched ABTM 3 with Huiting and Sujun! The movie was okay because most of the time I didn't understand the jokes in hokkien, haha.

26th March 2015, Thursday:
Impromptu decision to pay our last respects to Mr. Lee Kuan Yew at the Parliament House. So I went with my mum and 4 of her colleagues and we started queueing at around 8pm, left the Parliament house at approximately 2am and took a cab home. One idiom to describe the queue would be: packed like sardines (like literally).

Had to admit that I cried (a little) while being halfway in the queue because I got so annoyed cause I didn't had any personal space for so many hours. It's like everybody was just right beside one another and all of us couldn't move about a lot. Being short just makes the whole situation even worse cause I couldn't get any fresh air...

But anyway, I'm glad I went to queue and managed to pay a last respect to one of  Singapore's founding father.

3rd April 2015, Friday:
Went with my paternal family to 广惠肇碧山亭 (Kwong Wai Siew Peck San Then) for Qingming Festival.

They've this pond / waterfall area which I thought was really nice so here's some photos of it.

And some artistic shots of flowers, haha.