Tuesday 3 March 2015

25th February 2015, Wednesday:
初七! Went to Huiting's house in the evening for steamboat! :) When we arrived at her house, the table was set up with the soup and ingredients all prepared! Thank you to Huiting and her mum for preparing everything and for being such a  good host!! ^^

26th February 2015, Thursday:
Had a steamboat gathering at Jingyu's house with some of the CC and ACCs, yayy! First, we went to the supermarket at AMK Hub to get the ingredients.

After getting the ingredients, we headed over to Jingyu's house which was a super long walk from the bus stop and the heat just made the journey seemed even longer, haha! Upon arriving at her house, we started preparing the ingredients.

It was really nice for all of us to gather around the table and chat over food.

I think it's steamboat thing whereby when purchasing the ingredients, it doesn't seem enough for everyone so we end up buying a lot. But after preparing and cooking it, the ingredients seemed to be a lot more. Nonetheless, we were still able to finish the food after I think 3 hours?

After clearing and washing up, we prepared for Rachel's mini birthday surprise. This is the super cute cake that Jingyu designed which totally resembles Rachel on this year's mentoring AGM. :) That pink bow and bangs, haha.

After she ended a call, we surprised her! And this is her shocked face ~

Small but potent girl with her birthday cake!

Jingyu's mum got us yummy egg tarts! ♥ And Rachel if you're reading this, I'm sorry for not waking you up to eat haha, cause you were in such deep sleep on the sofa LOL.

The rest playing cards ~

After leaving Jingyu's, we went to MyVillage and they had ice cream. It was actually my first time there! Slacked a bit at the rooftop garden before we parted ways.

27th February 2015, Friday:
Met up with 2 Girl Guide juniors from secondary school! It's nice how we still keep in contact after my graduation and even though the 3 of us are of different ages we can still talk about anything.

Was shocked at Hui En's height when she exited from the MRT gantry because it's been about 2 years or so since I last saw her. And I still remember her being shorter / the same height as me when she first joined GG when I was in Sec 3. So basically for the rest of the afternoon, I was walking beside 2 giants ~

Anyway, we settled down at JCube's Eighteen Chefs for lunch! Omg it's been so long since I last ate Eighteen Chefs and I remember the last time eating it was with the mentors after mentoring session.

My cheese-baked rice with black pepper sauce and scrambled eggs. First time trying this combination and it was good!

 After lunch, we walked around J .Avenue. After getting our stuff, we spend time chatting at JStage.

It was really nice to chat with them and recall back some of the memories in Girl Guide.

28th February 2015, Saturday:
Taiwen invited us over to her house for CNY! We bought lunch from Heartland Mall before heading to her house. One word to describe her house would be: castle. Really wow. Never have I seen a lift in a house.

So after we had our lunch, we explored her house! There was stairs but for the fun of it, we took the lift the top floor, haha. I think I look really happy in the photo below cause it's my first time taking in lift inside a house, LOL.

This is a photo of the view from the top floor taken from Syaf's blog because I didn't manage to capture a photo of it. Just look at the breathtaking view ~


Then we stayed at the 4th floor just chilling and talking about everything. :)

After that, we went into Taiwen's karaoke room on the 1st floor and surprised Rachel for her (belated) birthday. When we opened the room door, she was already singing "happy birthday to you" because she thought it would be a great place for a birthday celebration and indeed it turned out to be a celebration for her! (:

It's like being in a different world when we were inside.

Then we spent a few hours in the karaoke room singing (they sang).

Thanks Mag for the donuts! :)

Took group photos because Mag had to leave early.

For dinner, Taiwen's mum treated us Pizza Hui! Thank you ^^

Check out the mirror beside us ~

After dinner, we went up to the 4th floor again to look at the stars and moon. Yes, this is us lying on the floor of the balcony, LOL.

After that, we went to Taiwen's room to play board games (Cluedo and Who is it?) and chit chat before ending the great day.

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