Sunday 19 October 2014

BP-NP Mentoring ABC 2014

Before the busy school semester starts tomorrow, I would like to blog about Mentoring's ABC (Annual Bonding Camp) 2014 which took place from 16th - 18th October. I think this was one of the camps which I enjoyed the most so far because I kinda tried to open up myself and participated more actively in the games etc.

Day 1 - 16th October 2014, Thursday:
I think it was because Mag was with me in the same group, Day 1 didn't felt so awkward because I had someone I knew. Or was it because it was my 2nd year in mentoring and I knew most of the people? We had ice breakers, created our group's identity, designed our group's sigil, had station games and night walk!! For night walk, the station masters acted like ghost. The highlight of the night walk was when we entered a dark room and had to unlock like a safe deposit to retrieve a bracelet. Omg really liked the night walk and wished it was longer!

Our sigil!


Day 2 - 17th October 2014, Friday:
Went Chinese Garden for amazing race! I think the most proud moment for me of the day was being able to manipulate a piece of chip from my forehead to almost dropping it, and getting it to my mouth in just 1 try! HAHA

Due to the bad weather, we weren't able to complete the other stations but instead we took shelter at some huge pavilion.

Needed to take some photos with the nice scenery when the rain stopped for a bit, haha.

Some artistic shots of the rain.

Played double wacko, dodge ball, captain's ball, wet games and took group photos while waiting for the rain to stop before heading back to school!

Had games and performances at night!

Sunken Ships

Played card games, ate pizza and chitchatted till about 5:30am! Combined 2 beds and slept with Rachel, Syaf, Mag and Amaris LOL. The same people whom I slept with during last year's ABC except this year it's without Taiwen.

5 people squeezed on this bed HAHA

Day 3 - 18th October 2014, Saturday:
Slept at 5:40am and woke up at 7am (1hr+ of sleep)! Just had breakfast and break camp already ~ Went ice skating with a few other mentors after that. It was a really impromptu plan and people who knows me well will know that I don't really like impromptu stuffs. It was a super sudden decision to ice skate because the journey from school to JCube, I already had in mind to help the others look after their bags. But still, I joined them! :)

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