Wednesday 4 November 2015

Halloween Horror Nights 5!

17th October 2015, Saturday:
Another first experience with a few of the more active mentors from the Smurf Village! Met Jing Yu, Ivan, Mag, Shi Hao and Rachel for early dinner at Vivo City. Zi Cheng came later and we went to join the queue into USS.

It was so packed inside USS and cause we were so short, we couldn't see anything of the opening show. After the opening show, we went to queue for our first haunted house - True Singapore Ghost Stories - The MRT. I couldn't remember how long we queued for but the queue was very long ~ To be honest, I got quite impatient in the midst of queuing HAHA. It was quite funny when we were in the haunted house because Ivan kept praising the scare-actors: "good job!" to cover up his fear LOL. So the haunted house wasn't as scary as I expected.

After our first haunted house, we went to queue for the Canopy Flyer Ride. Sat with Rachel, grabbed her hand and shouted her name during the ride HAHA. Because I totally didn't expect the ride to like swing me up in open air and the speed was quite fast. Also, my first and last roller coaster ride before this was 8 years ago when I was in P5. And the ride I took 8 years ago in Australia was a scooby-doo ride that was indoors which was much faster. So after 8 years, I wasn't mentally prepared for this canopy ride to be like that (ok, honestly it wasn't very very fast).

After our first ride, we walked around the scare zones and took photos with some of the scare-actors before queuing for the second haunted house -Siloso Gateway Block 50. We also went to one of the open air scare zones - Conterminated!

Jing Yu left after that to catch the last train and I think the rest of us queued for the Transformers Ride and we played charades while queuing. The ride made me dizzy cause the car kept jerking back and forth.. But it was overall a good experience and I can now tell others that I've been on the ride!

Then, we queued up for our last haunted house (didn't visit Tunnel People) - Hell House! By this time, we were all super tired and our legs were aching already.. But I've to say that the Hell House would be my favourite haunted house out of the 3 that we when because it was the only house that made me jump and slightly scared.

After visiting the Hell House, Zi Cheng, Mag, Shi Hao and Ivan went to queue for the Mummy Ride while Rachel and I just waited outside for them. It was about 2am when we left USS and I reached home at about 3am (thankful for my mum who came to fetch me home from the busstop), showered and all then SLEEP!!

Group photos to end this post!

Glad to have experienced HHN5 with this group of people! :)

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