Monday 8 June 2015

Finally done with Year 3 Semester 1 Term 1!! Omg time is passing too fast. The first half of Semester 1 was mentally draining probably cause I did a lot of last minute work + procrastination + over-thinking..

This was the first 2 individual assignments that were due on the same day of week 4 when Year 3 started.

And this is the 25 pages long assignment with super a lot of components and requirements... Really thankful for having such good mentor from my previous attachment centre that provided me with so much help in terms of allowing me to interview her and allowing me to take photos of the children as and when I need to for assignment purposes. (:

And a random photo with Sujun taken during one of our WISP tutorial, haha.

23rd May 2015, Saturday:
It was BP-NP Mentoring's Hand Over Ceremony 2015. To be honest, I was really looking forward to this event as it's like a time where I can put assignments aside and get to talk with the CCA people. But I think it wasn't worth looking forward to? Even though I got to see other mentors which I haven't seen for quite some time. 

Anyway, Rachel, Syaf and I met at the centre in the morning to bring the mentees to Ngee Ann on a chartered bus. So there wasn't any parent volunteers so basically it was just the 3 of us managing 11 mentees throughout the event. And the only time we got some rest was when...

While Syaf and I were eating, Rachel secretly sneaked off to buy a cake for Syaf's belated birthday surprise!

happy belated birthday!!

Managed to take some photos with the other mentors before going back to take care of the mentees again! I think I can understand how mothers with young children feel when they somehow lose some free time to spend with their friends cause they have to look after their children, HAHA. (even though the mentees aren't very young) I look really tired in the first photo due to sore eyes ~

After accompanying the mentees back to Lengkok Bahru, the 3 of us went to Jurong East where Syaf got to select her birthday present from Sephora! :)

4th June 2015, Thursday:
It was e-learning week and half of T07 volunteered ourselves for the P.L.A.Y event organised for secondary school students who are interested in the Early Childhood course. We talked to some of the students which were in Secondary 3 this year and it made me feel so old because it was 4 years ago that I was in Secondary 3 and now I'm sharing my experiences as a Year 3 polytechnic student..

Pizza treat from the lecturers ~

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