Friday 26 December 2014

Feeling hungry while posting this

24th December 2014 // Christmas Eve, Wednesday:
Usually my Christmas Eve would be spent at home without any Christmas feel. But this year, was really glad to spend it with some of the T07 girls :) We met at NEX's FairPrice to get our ingredients first. (wah ~ the FairPrice there was really huge & NEX was really big too - *my first time entering NEX) Then we headed over to Juliana's house for steamboat. Her mum was really nice and even prepared the soup base beforehand and kept helping us refill the soup when it was drying up!! (: As there was seriously too much food left, we played 终极密码 whereby the loser has to eat something from the pot, HAHA.

Ended round 1 of steamboat and we headed into the room to play charades and have chit-chat session. Really had a great laugh with them! ^^

We had a small gift exchange and then had round 2 of food (dinner) ~

The only 2 group photos we took (missing Ziying & Stephanie)

*tiptoe tiptoe*

25th December 2014 // Christmas Day, Thursday:

Daehan so cuteee

  • 三色蛋苋菜
  • 虾酱鸡
  • 咸蛋虾
  • 海鲜豆腐
  • 排骨王
  • 芙蓉蛋
  • 芋头圈
The food picture basically sums up my Christmas. 久久一次吃好料!

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