Friday 5 September 2014

29th August, Friday:
Lunch @ IKEA.

Poached Salmon with Chives Sauce

30th August, Saturday:
Went to colour (something along the line of light ash golden blonde I think? because I trusted the hairdresser & just told her anything that suits me but won't make me look like ahlian) and trim my hair (though the length is somewhat still the same) and had dinner with mum at Tiong Bahru Plaza. :)

1st September - 4th September, Monday - Thursday:
Spent the entire 4 days watching the 20 episodes - 不一样的美男子 (A Different Kind of Pretty Man). Really 很不一样! It's a mixture of friendship, romance and super power stuff. I would have understood the drama slightly better if they didn't use such chim Chinese words. Like wth is 基因? (just googled it & realized it meant 'genes') And with nice 主题曲 & 插曲 makes the entire drama got more 'feel'.

Today! :
Watched 等一个人咖啡 (Café·Waiting·Love). Watching a movie after about 2 years? HAHA. So apparently we were suppose to meet at 1:30pm @ Westmall & I thought I would reach on time if I left house at 1pm but NO. While rushing up the escalator, I fell (很embarrassing!!).

【在这个世界上,每个人都在等一个人,等待着一个能看见你与众不同的人。】- 《等一个人咖啡》


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