Tuesday 30 December 2014

Reflection of 2014

So 2014 is coming to an end and we're welcoming 2015 in less than 2 days. Reading back my first post in 2014, I realised that there were quite a lot of major events that took place in 2013 (e.g. entering poly, joining a cca in poly, making new friends). Basically 2013 was a year of adjusting/adapting to poly life.

2014 has been a quite okay year without a lot of ups and downs. Looking back at the year, there has been quite a lot of people / things I am grateful for.

People say that it's hard to find true friends and get close friends in poly. No doubt that there are many different types of people in poly. But I still managed to find true friends in poly who I personally feel are genuinely nice. I'm not someone who expresses my love for my friends or whatsoever. But ya, I'm grateful for the handful of friends who made my poly life more fun!

Knowing that I'm someone who panics and gets stress easily, these 2 大姐 always tells me not to be stress and tells me that if I need help can ask them. 谢谢 ♥

Other classmates I'm grateful for.

The CCA clique :) Have said it many times - they're part of the reason why I'm active in Mentoring.

Am also grateful for my family. Even though I don't express my love for them, I'm still thankful for my parents who work hard all year round to earn $$ to support the family and my education.

I've had a rather smooth year and there's really nothing for me to complain about.

I've reached the age where I have fully understood that the most important things in life doesn't come with a price. Money cannot buy health, happiness, family and friends. But money can buy food, HAHA.

With that in mind... In 2015, I just hope: *copy paste from blog post on 1st Jan' 2014*
  • that everything goes smoothly (school, family, friends)
  • that I can worry less and don't stress too much
  • that I can change myself in terms of not being so sensitive and petty (be a better person)
  • to be HAPPY (因为开心最重要)

Friday 26 December 2014

Feeling hungry while posting this

24th December 2014 // Christmas Eve, Wednesday:
Usually my Christmas Eve would be spent at home without any Christmas feel. But this year, was really glad to spend it with some of the T07 girls :) We met at NEX's FairPrice to get our ingredients first. (wah ~ the FairPrice there was really huge & NEX was really big too - *my first time entering NEX) Then we headed over to Juliana's house for steamboat. Her mum was really nice and even prepared the soup base beforehand and kept helping us refill the soup when it was drying up!! (: As there was seriously too much food left, we played 终极密码 whereby the loser has to eat something from the pot, HAHA.

Ended round 1 of steamboat and we headed into the room to play charades and have chit-chat session. Really had a great laugh with them! ^^

We had a small gift exchange and then had round 2 of food (dinner) ~

The only 2 group photos we took (missing Ziying & Stephanie)

*tiptoe tiptoe*

25th December 2014 // Christmas Day, Thursday:

Daehan so cuteee

  • 三色蛋苋菜
  • 虾酱鸡
  • 咸蛋虾
  • 海鲜豆腐
  • 排骨王
  • 芙蓉蛋
  • 芋头圈
The food picture basically sums up my Christmas. 久久一次吃好料!

Sunday 14 December 2014

Taking a break

Been almost 2 months since my last blog entry and all I can say is that school has been rather hectic especially for the past 2 weeks where there were 2 individual assignments due on the same day and another 2 heavy group assignments due on the same day. So glad that I've survived ~ Despite still having a few on-going assignments, would like to take a break now by posting about stuffs that took place over the 2 months.

20th November 2014, Thursday:
Went to The Animal Resort with Sujun and Huiting to recce the area for our field trip assignment. I swear the place is damn ulu... But we still managed to get to the place with the directions from the helpful construction workers there :) But we took damn long to get there cause we were initially stopped by a guard there saying that it would be dangerous if we took this route as there were a lot of wild dogs... So to cut the story short, we walked back and forth and eventually took the original route...

Yay, we are finally here ~

Goose family coming!

Grey Crowned Crane


Marabou Stork

the lonely horse

#nofilter #emptyroad

Was pretty excited about going to The Animal Resort initially cause I've seen the place being featured on TV before and it looked damn fun etc. But it was kinda disappointing cause there wasn't much to do there and the place was quite small. Nonetheless, it was still an eye-opening experience being up-close with some of the animals :)

28th November 2014, Friday:
Went down to Lengkee CC after lecture to decorate the hall for an event (Celebration of Learning) held by HMS's YAY Club.

all done!!!

Coincidentally met an ex-teacher at my attachment centre :)

In attempt to take an artistic shot with the balloons, LOL.

Satisfaction you get when people take photos with the decoration (:

lengkokbahru mentors + zichengg