Saturday 14 May 2016


It was a really impromptu decision to attend today's walk-in interview @ NTUC Trade Union House. I only got to know about the interview on Wednesday and since I finally got my diploma last week, I had 2 days to update my resume and portfolio.

So I reached there around 9:30am and started filling up the application form for employment. Maybe cause I was early/on time, so there wasn't much of a crowd and I didn't had to wait long before it was my turn. I wasn't very nervous for it because I mean like I've been studying this for 3 years and there should be a lot of things that I can just express freely. But there were times when the Principal posed some questions which were quite chim such as 'What disposition do you think you should have when you enter a preschool as a new teacher?' But nonetheless, it was a good experience for me!

Came back home after the interview. Took a shower before I had my breakfast/lunch, and took a nap. And when I checked my phone when I woke up...

The feeling of getting through an interview based on my own capability, YAY ~ I'm actually looking forward to finally becoming an English teacher! :)

Sunday 13 March 2016

Changes in life makes us grow.

It's been a month since I've started my part time job as an assistant teacher at the child care centre. Honestly, the first few days of work was real tiring for me. It was a huge change from being a student (attending lectures etc) to a working adult (constantly moving about to facilitate in routine care). It was really tough for someone like me who has difficulty adapting to changes.

It was so tough for me that in the mornings, I would cry/tear a bit cause I was so tired and in my mind I was thinking: I just ended my poly life, I need my holidays and sleep.. Why am I waking up so early? But going for this job was my choice and I still went for work ~

I was being placed in the Nursery class (of 23 children) as the Chinese teacher was on maternity leave. As most of the time I'm the only teacher around besides the form teacher, I was busy every single morning. With the huge number of children in the class, it was tough attending to all their needs. But it was also because of the packed routine care in the mornings that made time pass real fast.

On a happier note, the children there can really make me smile. :) Even though sometimes some of them can be very active and don't take me seriously when I give instructions which makes me irritated, some of them are cuties that can make me smile with their small actions or comments they make.

3 more days of work this week before I fly to Taiwan/Hong Kong, yay ~ !

Sunday 14 February 2016

Happy Valentines' Day! I'm spending the entire day at home. I just cleared some stuffs in my room and probably going to change my bed sheet after I'm done with this post.

8th January 2016, Monday:
大年初一! Basically my CNY every year is the same: Visiting my maternal grandparents in the morning and then spending the rest of the afternoon at my paternal grandmother's house. Didn't take any photos this year (except for the one below) cause basically CNY just felt like a normal day.

10th January 2016, Wednesday:
Went to school for HRMD and CDES wrap up lecture! Also, submitted our journal entry 2 which was our last assignment in poly! :)

Then, half of 3T07 went to buy ingredients and we had steamboat at Zi Ying's house.

12th January 2016, Friday:
I didn't have to go to school that day cause I completed my individual presentation last week. But I still woke up early and went to school as usual to support the others (and also cause it was like the official last day of school).

Now that I'm done with school and have literally nothing to do, I feel like I've lost the focus of my life LOL. 2 weeks ago, I went for a short interview at a child care centre @ SAFRA Mount Faber. I spoke with the Principal and for the first time, I filled up some sort of form HAHA. She also showed me around the centre and I particularly liked how the children were able to use the facilities (e.g. playground) at SAFRA! As their Chinese teachers are returning to China for CNY, they require assistance. Therefore from tomorrow onwards, I'll be working part time for about 2 weeks as an assistant teacher and I hope everything will go well! JIAYOU EDWYNA.

Saturday 6 February 2016

It's been a month a month since I've updated this blog and I felt that so much has happened and it was indeed a hectic month due to assignments. But I'm so glad that I'm done with all the heavy assignments and I'm only left with a 2-page journal entry due next Wednesday and I'm officially done with poly!

It's currently raining now and it feels good to be sitting on my bed, reflecting on the events that took place over the month.

8th & 9th January 2016, Friday & Saturday:
Volunteered for NPOH16 with Hui Ting, Su Jun and Valerie. It was really a good opportunity for me to step out of my comfort zone to explain to parents/students about the course, despite having a hard time warming up.

14th January 2016, Thursday:
Field trip to the Zoo! We were given a tour behind the scenes of Fragile Forest. I touched a caterpillar, stick insect, hissing cockroach and entered a butterfly enclosure! *proud*

Explored the other parts of the Zoo with the gang after we were done with the tour ~

African wild dog so cute!!

And we had dinner at Yoogane!

22nd January 2016, Friday
Attended my third and last BP-NP Mentoring AGM! Can't believe I've been in this CCA for so long and I'm glad I've met so many new friends along the way.

23rd January 2016, Saturday:
Attended Laurel's 21st birthday celebration at SAF Seaview Resort! I think my favourite part of the chalet was the beach and the sea view!! It was so nice to stand at the seaside, close my eyes and just relax ~ We had our dinner and played games at the chalet. Left around 11pm+ and missed the last train, HAHA. So I waited for my mum to come pick me up!

29th January 2016, Friday:
It was a normal day in school but we took some photos which I think is worth posting up ~

2nd February 2016, Tuesday:  
There was CDES lecture that day, but we/I decided to skip! According to Xu Tai Yu (2015), 没穿过高中制服翘过一次课,长大以后才会后悔. Ok, not like we're wearing school uniform.. but HAHA. I've been to all the lectures since Year 1 so what is missing one? #rebellious LOL Anyway, we went out to celebrate Valerie and Hui Ting's birthday which so coincidentally falls on the same day.

We had lunch at Shabu Sai at Orchard Central to celebrate Valerie's birthday. My first time trying. I realized like when it comes to food, I have a lot of 'first time' with them LOL. Valerie's reaction was so funny when she opened her present and it was an empty photo frame HAHAHA.

After lunch, we gave them their cakes. There was no point surprising since they the two of them were there and we had to light up two slices of cake at once HAHA. Hui Ting left first then the rest of us went to Food Republic to fix Valerie's puzzle.

We took photos after we were done, played a bit of Whisper Challenge then left for Hui Ting's birthday celebration. Everything about the celebration was nice so ya ~

5th  February 2016, Friday
The day where I had 2 presentations, 1 individual and 1 group. I can finally say that I'm with all my presentations and group assignments in my poly life! :) This poster is a product of hard work HAHA. Staying up till 5:30am, finding our way to Sunshine Plaza, paying $12 and waiting an hour plus for it to be printed. I'm personally quite proud of it, I mean like everything looks a lot nicer when it's printed out (and I specially chose turquoise for the top part). 

Some class photos to end this post: