Wednesday 4 February 2015

4 lesson implementation + 1 field supervision + 2 learning corners

17th December 2014, Wednesday:
Implemented my first integrated lesson plan!

7th January 2015, Wednesday
Implemented my first science lesson!

14th January 2015, Wednesday 
Implemented my second integrated lesson plan and second science lesson!

21st January 2015, Wednesday
The day of my field supervision!! I swear I was super nervous. I reached centre early that day to do some finalizing of the learning corners and get myself mentally prepared haha. At about 8:50am, I realised I forgot to bring my book for the tune-in activity.. and my supervision is at 10am! And being the panicky Edwyna, I panicked. Grabbed my phone and wallet and chionged out of the centre and while I was waiting to cross the road to the busstop, my bus left right before my eyes.. And there were no cabs available!! So I boarded another bus which would take me to BM interchange and I met my dad there whom brought the book to me. So to cut the story short, I made it back in time for my field supervision.

When my field supervisor arrived, I cried again. Yes, AGAIN. Background info: cried after year 1.1's music and movement lesson implementation, cried before year 2.1's field supervision. I don't know why. Probably the stress and overwhelming nervousness. After calming down, I went to get the children and began my supervision. Everything went smoothly thanks to the children for being so well-behaved. :)

We actually met our field supervisor before for a briefing at Star Vista and she asked us our weaknesses and I told her mine was being very nervous and not having enough confidence. During my post conference with my supervisor, she actually told me that I didn't display any forms of my weaknesses mentioned. So happy to hear that! It actually takes a lot of courage for me to be confident during lesson implementations. Before the supervision, I actually told myself that this is the last lesson implementation and that I should just 豁出去 and give my best. And I guess all my efforts were paid off. (:

Photos of my learning corners! The photos may look like it's just a normal corner. But it actually take a lot of time and effort to actually come up with learning corners. There are so many small details within an activity itself that we need to take into consideration such as coming up with the instructions, taking photos for each step (but before you take the photo you need to have a completed activity), printing the instruction, cutting out the instruction, laminating it and then finally cutting it again. And we have to repeat this process for 10 times. "Edwyna, you did it." *gives myself a pat on the shoulder*

Behind the scene photos of how I prepared for the learning corners:
I actually tried out some activities with my neighbour's grandson LOL.

I'm so glad to be blogging about this now that all of these lesson implementations are over! Really thankful to the people that gave me encouragements when I was panicking and stressing over whether I could finish all the materials on time. Most importantly, want to thank my mum for supporting me in any way she can (e.g. accompanying me to get stuff, helping me find containers, and staying up late with me ).

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