Wednesday 1 January 2014

Goodbye 2013. Hello 2014.

Time sure flies. Another year passed and it's already the first day of 2014!

2013 has been a "i don't know how to describe" year. Got my O'level results and was surprisingly satisfied with the results and even got a B4 for math which I've been failing since Sec3. :) Got into my first choice of poly/course which is Early Childhood Education in Ngee Ann. I must say that everything has gone pretty smooth for me. However when poly life officially started, I struggled during the first few weeks. But I'm glad that after spending close to 8 months in my first year of poly, I've managed to make quite a number of new friends and people whom I can be comfortable around! Joining BPNP Mentoring made my network of friends slightly bigger too. Really thankful to have met these people because without them, there's nothing really much that makes me look forward to school. If I were to say negative things that happened in 2013, it would have to be the pressure and stress from the never-ending assignments. Probably it's because of doing my work last minute and also the unnecessary stress that I give myself. Over-thinking and always worrying about the little things.

As 2013 has come to an end, I wish to put all negative things behind and start afresh in 2014. 一切重新开始. I think when I was younger, every new year I just wished to "have this / have that" (materialistic items). But coming to think about it, owning these items are not really that important as compared to other stuffs. As I grow older, it seems like my new year resolutions become lesser and simpler.

In 2014, I just hope:
  • that everything goes smoothly (school, family, friends)
  • that I can worry less and don't stress too much
  • that I can change myself in terms of not being so sensitive and petty (be a better person)
  • to be HAPPY